July 29 thru August 2
August 5 thru August 9
10am-4pm Monday-Friday.
(Students bring sack lunch M-Th, pizza provided Friday)
Open to all aspiring musicians between the ages of 12 and 17.
Sessions are $399 per week.
Register by JUNE 5th, 2024 and receive $50 off per week.
Additional weeks and siblings are available at a discount.
Summer Sessions
Students enrolled in a Rockshop Academy Summer Session engage in a week of intensive exposure, learning band performance, basic writing techniques, band marketing and imaging. Students will form bands, learn about song composition and arrangement, and perform a live concert, with the guidance of the Rockshop Academy Pros & Advisors.
Through a combination of playing as a group, and break-out sessions involving specific instruments, students will learn the essential elements necessary to play in a band and the basic tools to easily write a song.
Summer sessions culminate in a live performance open to the public at Rockshop Academy.
Weeklong Summer Sessions Include:
Hands on instruction and constructive critique from RA Instructors on how to play with a band.
Exposure and access to RA Advisors — professionals working at some of the biggest music and media companies in the business.
Discounts for one full year on Rockshop Academy rehearsal space.
Free admission to any appearance by visiting Rockshop Advisors during the summer sessions, covering music industry topics relevant to all aspiring musicians.
The most inspirational time of your life making music and making friends!
"It refreshes my drive for practicing and playing more and more, to see how good I can actually get." — Wyatt D.
Rockshop Summer Camp T-Shirt