July 29 thru August 2

August 5 thru August 9

10am-4pm Monday-Friday.
(Students bring sack lunch M-Th, pizza provided Friday)
Open to all aspiring musicians between the ages of 12 and 17.
Sessions are $399 per week.
Register by JUNE 5th, 2024 and receive $50 off per week.
Additional weeks and siblings are available at a discount.

Summer Sessions

Students enrolled in a Rockshop Academy Summer Session engage in a week of intensive exposure, learning band performance, basic writing techniques, band marketing and imaging. Students will form bands, learn about song composition and arrangement, and perform a live concert, with the guidance of the Rockshop Academy Pros & Advisors.

Through a combination of playing as a group, and break-out sessions involving specific instruments, students will learn the essential elements necessary to play in a band and the basic tools to easily write a song.

Summer sessions culminate in a live performance open to the public at Rockshop Academy.

Weeklong Summer Sessions Include:

  • Hands on instruction and constructive critique from RA Instructors on how to play with a band.

  • Exposure and access to RA Advisors — professionals working at some of the biggest music and media companies in the business.

  • Discounts for one full year on Rockshop Academy rehearsal space.

  • Free admission to any appearance by visiting Rockshop Advisors during the summer sessions, covering music industry topics relevant to all aspiring musicians.

  • The most inspirational time of your life making music and making friends!

"It refreshes my drive for practicing and playing more and more, to see how good I can actually get." — Wyatt D.


Rockshop Summer Camp T-Shirt